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Trying to determine amount of currently delivered energy


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I'm calling the rest interface of my very new shelly pro via browser:

http://<ip des Shelly>/rpc/Shelly.GetStatus


Getting lots of values (see below). None of them gets negative, when my solar panels produce more than ist used in the house. Is there a possibility to get the amount of currently delivered energy ? I want to use this value in my own java program. Please help!

The return of the GetStatus:

ble    {}
cloud    {…}
id    0
a_current    3.659
a_voltage    233.7
a_act_power    847.4
a_aprt_power    855.9
a_pf    0.99
a_freq    50
b_current    3.188
b_voltage    233.1
b_act_power    730.4
b_aprt_power    743.5
b_pf    0.97
b_freq    50
c_current    0.139
c_voltage    232.9
c_act_power    22.6
c_aprt_power    32.2
c_pf    0.71
c_freq    50
n_current    null
total_current    6.986
total_act_power    1600.3
total_aprt_power    1631.658
user_calibrated_phase    []
id    0
a_total_act_energy    2082.52
a_total_act_ret_energy    82.44
b_total_act_energy    1487.88
b_total_act_ret_energy    741.94
c_total_act_energy    1019.54
c_total_act_ret_energy    0
total_act    4589.94
total_act_ret    824.38
eth    {…}
modbus    {}
mqtt    {…}
sys    {…}
temperature:0    {…}
wifi    {…}
ws    {…}





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