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Questen: API / http BLU H&T


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Hello everyone,

I need your help or tips with the following problem. I would like to use the BLU H&T API.

The BLU H&T is connected to a Shelly Plus PLug S. Unfortunately, I am currently unable to read the information from the sensor using the http commands. Is this generally not possible or are there instructions for this?

According to the manufacturer's instructions, https should be supported.


Thanks in advance for your tips.

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If you want BLU H&T and Plus Plug S to be working together according readings from BLU H&T, a script has to be configured for the Plus Plug S or a  cloud scene in Shelly Smart Control.

BLU H&T works with BLU packets and does not support HTTP/HTTPS. 

Please share a screenshot from the source, so we can make it more understandable. 

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Thank you for the feedback.

is there already a corresponding script ?

I would not like to use the cloud scene, since I don’t seem to have a continuous measurement there, but only  information if the temperature rises/ falls above or below a certain value.





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