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Can you use another temperature sensor with higher temperatures ?

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 I use a Shelly Plus 1PM + Plus Addon + DS18B20 Temp Sensor 16A DC-AC WiFi Power Metering and it works fine. 

Now my question  i want controle my solar thermal energy and the max Temperarure can be 200°C and the DS18B20 Temp Senso hase a max 125°C


It also works with another sensor that can measure approx. 200°c and is compatible ?

if so, which one ?








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hmm I'm not sure what temp sensor can reach that and be compatible with the Shelly addon. 

My best bet is to check on some Arduino sites to see what other sensors are there I saw there was some talk about a pt100 sensor or a k-type thermocouple but this is going to be a test that needs to take place to see if it works with the Shelly addon. 

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