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  1. Hello! I'm also trying here. I'm looking for someone who can help me with a script. I copied a script from Smarthome-Europe.eu (https://smarthome-forum.eu/.../22404.../...) that can be used to manage absences by querying logged-in mobiles. I also used it to switch lamps on and off. So far, it works. Unfortunately, I am stuck with the following: I would like to switch on a lamp in a courtyard 15 minutes after sunset and switch it off at midnight (I have set this up on another Shelly using a schedule) on the condition that one of the two mobiles has been logged in once during the day.
  2. Dear all and good day I would like to add a Shelly 1 mini to a Feller Zeptrion installation. To do this, the Shelly must send a short 230V pulse to the K interface. I was told that this has to be realised with a script. Can anyone tell me how? Thank you very much.
  3. Dear all I onw several Shelly Plus PlugS. All confgiured the same. One of them shows a red LED light when off. What to do?
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