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  1. The colleagues from the relevant team informed me that this suggestion is on the roadmap already.
  2. Regarding the availability of Blu H&T, the last information that we received is that the device will be back in stock around the middle of April. Then you will be able to order it directly through our site.
  3. Thank you for the suggestion. Yes, it would be helpful to be able to receive emails about when a certain product is back in stock. I will forward the suggestion to the relevant team. Regarding new color Blu H&T, you could send us a device request from here: https://support.shelly.cloud/en/support/tickets/new?ticket_form=devices_and_features_proposals_***_(use_this_form_for_proposing_your_ideas_only) Regarding the availability of Blu H&T, the last information that we received is that the device will be back in stock around the middle of April.
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