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About If_then_else

  • Birthday 01/03/1991

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  1. @Radovan In the same situation, a factory reset helped me. How to factory reset a Shelly device? The easiest method is to turn off the power supply to the device for 1 minute and then immediately flip the physical switch 5 times consecutively with a 2-second delay. Alternatively, toggle the power supply of the device on and off 5 times.
  2. NEIN. Hatte Anfang des Jahres, eine ähnliche Anwendung und mit dem Shelly Support über dieses Tema kommuniziert. (siehe Ticket [pdf]) WLAN-LAN.pdf
  3. A Shelly 1 Gen3 would work for your application.
  4. I think M-Bus (meter bus) and Modbus are two different bus systems. But the fact is that Shelly only supports Modbus TCP and acts as a server (makes some data points readable and available to external systems). You would need a Shelly Modbus client function, which is not implemented. The best thing to do is to ask this question to the Shelly Support.
  5. @kuemmli This behavior typically occurs when the script is started but the network is not yet ready to carry out network communication. I recommend using a try/catch in critical parts of the script to catch possible exception errors so that the script does not crash. We can only help you in detail if you share the script with us.
  6. I received a response from Shelly support to the ticket: translated from German to English: I fear Shelly and Matter is and will be a relationship that will take a very long time to be successful.
  7. This is definitely not a standard function so I suspect this is triggered by a user created function. You should look in the entity logbook to see what triggers this.
  8. Can you carry out 2 x 2 measurements, once with the contact on the input open and once closed: Shelly "L" <> Shelly "Input" Shelly "N" <> Shelly "Input" Your designation 3x230V makes me suspect that you are talking about a three phase / tree wire system, can you confirm this? Possibly with the corresponding number as shown below.
  9. Statement from the shelly CEO on the topic matter. Source: Shelly Facebook group
  10. It is difficult to understand your problem, as I currently have over 70 Shelly devices and many other IOT devices connected to the Home Assistant. There are also no network problems, especially with the critical video and Alexa devices. I suspect you have a local network problem.
  11. This requirement can be implemented very easily in the Home Assistant. Example
  12. I have the same problem. I opened a ticket #137034 on the Shelly support platform.
  13. FW-Update can start over the GUI/APP. Please see this video: Aufzeichnung 2024-11-08 093737.mp4
  14. Bleib bei 5V und vergiß mein Vorschlag d.) ...
  15. I think the manual download of firmware was discontinued with generation 2. Currently you can only get the latest FW via the GUI. Unfortunately, if something goes wrong you can't go back to an older FW. Changelog
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