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  1. Yes it is... I use "curl" and it worked. The php was the culprit... Thanks for all the help!
  2. Well... I change the php code and it worked in the LAN not in the internet. The same code but different url, it doesn't... Maybe the https? The DNS? I force ip, gw and dns... ---- Just for the record the code change was using a redirect with the Header function - Not working changed to curl - Worked ---
  3. Going to dig deep... In the logs it doesn't show the result of the call?
  4. I have a Shelly Plug 2. I read the webhook is: http://<ip_address_Plug_2>/relay/0?turn=toggle I put it and it worked...
  5. Hi, Beforehand let me thank you for all the help given... I managed to get all the things you instructed me. I send then in attach. I didn't see nothing out of the ordinary. I change the temperature for a lower setting. Status: logs.txt settings.txt status.txt
  6. Done as instructed... But the result is the same... No sms. As allways if called in a browser it works... Is there any log to see if there's any error? Also, with the above configs, does it call the url once it reaches the target temperature or for instance if it starts and the temp is already above 27ºC it calls the url? Thanks a lot for the help!
  7. Nope. It works fine! Just a simple php that calls another...
  8. Hi all, I have a flood sensor and need to call a url when a flood is detected and when a temperature is over 27 ºC. The url is a way to send a SMS but even so the temperature is over 27 ºC it never call the url. If I call it in a browser it works fine but the sensor never calls it... I need to put it too in the flood detected action...
  9. I have a Sheely Plug and I need to get a notification whenever It goes offline. Can it be done? Thanks in advance...
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