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Axel Radtke

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Axel Radtke last won the day on August 8 2023

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  1. Ooh man, location MUST be on mandatory! 🙈 Then it works! Why is the location in local use necessary? This should be possible as a selection if necessary!
  2. Is it just me or does anyone know it? After successful integration of a device from "Discovered" into the app, "Dicovered" shows after calling up: see picture Then the only thing that helps is to close the app properly and reopen it.
  3. The automatic device transfer must be revised and improved! The complete deletion of the devices and reintegration is a laborious process! This is not understandable to any user!
  4. - Devices all not cloud bound - devices deleted from app - not reset - app deleted - App reinstalled - App opened, logged in - Enabled to search for devices in home network - Devices reassigned (room, name, picture) - Devices online - 👍
  5. Deleted all the devices, uninstalled the app and set everything back to the beginning. Installed the app, added devices one by one. In fact it works! 👍
  6. New app was installed on iPhone (16.3.1) and iPad (15.7.2), devices were transferred from old app. My devices are not cloud connected. All devices are displayed in the new app OFFLINE. Devices with cloud connection are ONLINE. Does the app no longer work locally? In the old app was all great!
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