When at home i can access directly all shellyes from the phone, when outside the only that care is the ambient sensor and heating control, that is a gen1 .
I access to it setting on a machine accessible from internet a reverse proxy so i point to http://myhomemachine.example.com:9121 and get it, i have set 22 23 24 25 for other shellies ;gen 2\ but i found that i cannot access them.
If i access with a webhook, for example asking http://myhomemachine.example.com:9123/rpc/shelly.GetStatus i get the expected result, but if i go to the webUI it loads it, redirect to /#/ and then appears the box with the moving bar "Connecting to shelly" ... but it does not comment.
This on all gen2 devices.
I suppose there is a bug in the script launched, also because i saw some tries to connect from the address of the shelly, not from the proxy.
This renders the use a bit inconvenient.
is possible to add a second home page, essential, with just some html forms to fill, for such cases ? ;called for example with http://<sh.el.ly.ip/htm ?
(yes, you can wita script, but having default would be nicer) .
of course this do not exampt shelly developers from fixing the error with proxy.