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  1. your are asking too much from a 5 cm³ 12€ device . having a second user needs something such a minimal OS (ok, the EM3 is not 12€, but the processor and SW are almost the same of a 1miniplus). Another option would be to write a script that every minute call a real server and dump there the data, that one can access using the usual access permission of the OS of that OS. If the user is only one, it could also be another shelly used only to receive that message, writing it as a KVS record that can be externally retrieved using the user/password of the second "dummy" shelly.
  2. Do you have in your subnet another machine that can launch a script that read the data and pass it to the "guest" ?
  3. so they are very close ... no problem.
  4. asn industrial contactor good for at least 30 A, you can control it with an 1plus
  5. ... and about what i want to accomplish: access the shelly when I am not home.
  6. if you give me a private address i can send you the address and credentials to access one shelly here so you can see what i want to say. seeing the live result on your screen worths more than 1000 words.
  7. iy is right 16 ft ? or you wanted to say 16 meters ? or 160 ft ... because in my experience shellies, that use a low bit rate and less bandwidth works even at a distance where with the phone get a marginal signal. [at my home one works at 14 m with 4 walls in the middle]
  8. so what is the problem: 1. that you did power supply to the shelly from the wires that command, in that case is obvious, but you can fix it with a diode, a resistor, and a big condenser or 2. that 2V is too high to control the switch, in that case you should add an electromechanical relay ?
  9. When at home i can access directly all shellyes from the phone, when outside the only that care is the ambient sensor and heating control, that is a gen1 . I access to it setting on a machine accessible from internet a reverse proxy so i point to http://myhomemachine.example.com:9121 and get it, i have set 22 23 24 25 for other shellies ;gen 2\ but i found that i cannot access them. If i access with a webhook, for example asking http://myhomemachine.example.com:9123/rpc/shelly.GetStatus i get the expected result, but if i go to the webUI it loads it, redirect to /#/ and then appears the box with the moving bar "Connecting to shelly" ... but it does not comment. This on all gen2 devices. I suppose there is a bug in the script launched, also because i saw some tries to connect from the address of the shelly, not from the proxy. This renders the use a bit inconvenient. is possible to add a second home page, essential, with just some html forms to fill, for such cases ? ;called for example with http://<sh.el.ly.ip/htm ? (yes, you can wita script, but having default would be nicer) . of course this do not exampt shelly developers from fixing the error with proxy.
  10. the CB is there to protect from overload, so it has not to be used yust as a switch in series with the shelly, but rather between contactor and grid.
  11. I foresee much smoke. The contactor has -according the picture-, a 24V coil and you will feed it with 220. Also this way you lose all protection on the pump and the bet due to overload. So the circuit would change this way: Main circuit, 2,5mm² or more to to the switch, fron there to contactor 1 and 3 and from contactor 2 and 4 to the pump. "upstream"are derived two wires that go to N and L of the shelly. The O and N of the shelly go to the primary of a 220/24V transformer and the secondary wires of this one go to A1 and A2 of the contactor.
  12. wooly

    pool water pump

    I fear yoiu need 4 dry contacts. . So get an UNI and attach to it two double pole relays. (You have already the 24 V) good luck [why the images posted today are for a different object then the first ?]
  13. Are that wires tho only one that arrive to the switch, and note contitue or "arrive: that two and other two "go to" the lamp ? in the second case you use standar version, in the other case you have to follow the cables and put the shelly in a box where you have neutral, live and the wire to the lamp [just follow your cable !]
  14. the purples on I and O , the brown and blue on L and N
  15. You should have a blech and a white arriving and a white and another one leaving. if you had two blacks you would not have the neutral for the shelly, in any case if only two wires arrive in the box, is not the right place for the shelly.
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