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  1. Hi, Thanks for the expanded explanation, as a really basic user, all I'm after is the device to show a temperature from the NTC in degrees, but I do appreciate the level of skill and expertise in compiling the script and the time taken to explain it. Ian
  2. I didn't read the small print and simply saw that the Shelly Add-On enabled connectivity of and NTC thermistors, so I was really disappointed to see that, straight out of the box, the ability to display the NTC as a temperature is not possible when this is its only function! Could you therefore please consider adding NTC to the peripheral list enabling the value of the NTC to be displayed as a temperature. Background: Under floor heating (UFH) uses an under floor finish NTC thermistor to monitor temperature, the Shelly 1PM and Add-on are the perfect UFH controller replacement enabling smart home control and third party integration, without degree C or F this is not practical.
  3. I've done a fair bit of searching and this has come up a lot before but without any satisfactory resolution for basic shelly users. The common scenario is that a Shelly1PM and Add-On are bought together to replace existing Under Floor Heating controls which have floor embedded NTC temperature sensors, unfortunately, although the Add-On specifies NTC compatibility, this only gives a displayed output of either a voltage or percentage when connected, NOT temperature straight out of the box, which is a massive disappointment as NTC thermistors only measure temperature! I'll add to the Shelly 'wish list' the ability to select 'NTC thermistor' from the peripheral list. Hope this helps others.
  4. Ah, I fear this may be outside of my very limited knowledge. Really appreciate your help here, off to google and YouTube again lol
  5. Thanks thgoebel, I've changed the peripheral input from analogue to voltage and installed the code, daft question, where does it show the conversion of voltage to temperature? I've not made any changes to the script, just directly imported it.
  6. Hi All, I want to link my existing underfloor heating NTC temperature sensor to an Add-On, I have followed the NTC connection instructions and as this is connected to an analogue input I get a % displayed value, is it possible to convert this % value into Centigrade so I can automate based on temperature. Many thanks
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